
“Nobody was born cool,” proclaims Roe Kapara.“Where’s the fun in
that?” After relocating from Nashville to Los Angeles just before the
pandemic, the St. Louis-born singer/songwriter did what any
reasonable 20-something would: find solace online and build a
community. Soon, his burgeoning digital fanbase hit six digits,
enthralled by his endearingly unpretentious personality but also by his
irresistible music; a modern swirl of indie, psych, pop punk, and
Combining two sides of his musical personality – deeply relatable yet
unafraid to stand up and ask life’s big questions – into pop songs
makes for a musical journey that’s a little off-kilter, sure, but all the
better and more interesting in the end. Now, with label debut “Better
Off” leading the way and a concept EP, I Hope Hell Isn’t Real, on the
horizon, this next era of Roe Kapara is poised to keep fans, and himself,
guessing as to where his quirky sensibilities will wind up next.
“I Hope Hell Isn’t Real is about this guy who’s living in an apathetic
world where everything is crumbling,” he says. “He ends up dying and
comes back to life and realizes life has a lot of meaning and is worth
living. I just want to say crazy shit, but stuff I also really care about. It’s
gotta be both.” Nowhere is that on display more than “Preacher,” the
EP’s lead single that recounts Kapara’s religious upbringing with a
stylish, macabre horror video clip that immediately cements his vision
as one of the most captivating young artists in the game.